Saturday, January 24, 2009

I have a busy day yesterday even I take half day (AM) off.
morning go my father stall DABAO something for my colleagues to eat.
then meet up WaiLoon & Hanbin + his wife for dinner.
Half way the some1 (last post that guy) call me to get the album.
Pass him already also never say Thanks You. WTH!!!
Then go hougang and sengkang to pass Jingru Taiwan album to Ester and 1 more Mr B.
While waiting for the Mr B. Went to shopping with Wailoon.
In the END , I buy a pillow and he buy NOTHING .
Before I want to go home, Dehleen call say want to meet up.
So chiong home then chiong to kovan to chit chat awhile with her.

RELATIONSHIP . . . . . .
Recently this topic back to me again.
I not like some1 I know so Des for GF.

This week I met up my friend C who talks about this topic to me.
C said I should take care of my images.
I agree but feel wasting $$$.
Think C read this C will feel angry. Sorry C.
I may try change la, but not so fast and not apply all the suggestion that give by C.

Kevin and I talk about this topic "girl" .
What we feel is they want to following needed in their BF.
1) Look (Must)
2) $$$ (Best to have more)
3) Car (Some)
Think all this I don have. Hahaha.
I can onli say :Fade.

Stop here , Go study liao . Later got class @ nite .

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