Thursday, December 11, 2008


Get my 1st Uni Exam result .
Though get all C happy liao .
Then Stunted

Effective Communication (B+)
Thx kelvin ,Wailoon and jason check my reports before i submit

Creative Thinking (B-)
Personal Finance Planning (B-)
Digital Photography Technology (B)
Digital Photography Techniques (C-)
Thanks Wei and Jason for the help in Photoshop .

Discrete Mathematics (A-)
Futher Discrete Mathemathics (B)
Thanks Wailoon for the ADVICE .You know what i mean.

Happy that i get this kind of result , cos my GPA now is 3.47.
FYI , my poly reuslt highest GPA (sem) is 3.01 , Ave is 2.8+

Hope can pass all my other modules and will try my best.

Jingru ablume coming soon .

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