Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Nation Day (Singapore)

Today is National Day .
On the newspaper ,a very high % of Singaporean is proud to be singaporean.
This is how i feel. But not PROUD at all.
It may not be apply to all singapoeran , guess at lease 50% of it is one of two kind stated below.

1)Thanks to the kid below .
He/she is happly playing with his/her mother, the noise wake me up @ 8am.
Conclusion: Inconsidearte.

2)Yesterday went to Istana.
When i on the train, i saw this family (father and son) just sitting beside me.
The son sitting on the RESERVE seat for those needed.
This father reading his newspaper in style.
When an old man walk into the train, this kid fail to give up the seat.
The father do nothing as well , say nothing.

I offer the seat to the elderly which i hope people will give up seat to my family member when needed in the futher.
Conclusion: Hope , Wait LONG LONG.

Recently @ work.
I help to ans a phone call for Izwan.
Nurse: I need a cuff.
Me : What cuff do you need? Dinamap , propaq or . . . ??
Nurse : Stunt for a sec. (Blur)
Me : What color of the machine you mention.
Nurse : Orange. ( I know what she mean and relay it to Izwan.)

HOWEVER, the attachment student (Bryan) and Izwan was laughting after i put down my phone.
I did not understand why the laughting until the next day.
They relate the color of the machine to the color of the Brassiere .
I am frustated and dont know why their thinking is so corrupted.

Later going to take firework.
Hope i have the mode to upload some photo here.
If i dont pls go see my facebook.