Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Confuse by UNISIM

I had problem doing my online quiz on the 01/09.
I think they help me auto submit after i go in 1sec.

Then i just receive a call (UNISIM) ask me want to retake the quiz and why never send email?
I reply her i am one of the 11students, i still need to email meh ?
She say YES.

BUT u see the below notice in BB, is my angmo lousy or their standard not good.


Dear Class,
From the discussion board, clearly some of you felt frustration at the behaviour of the BB system during the quiz. I've asked ETP to reply or explain as best they can later.

The most practical thing we can do is to allow students a second chance to re-do this quiz. This will be a paper quiz to be conducted in class during lesson time. Again, one hour will be given for 40 questions. Do the best you can - the results will be moderated based on the performance of the rest of the class in any case.

Date of Class Quiz: Monday 14 September (this is the second lesson of MTD304) 9-10pm

This will be a different set of questions from the online quiz. Answers are to be written on the question paper to be submitted for marking.

11 students must re-take (or receive 0 mark): these are the students whose results were 'padlocked'

The rest are welcome to re-take, if they wish, but the following rules apply:
a. Please email Belinda by Mon 7 September at ....... if you want to re-take: no walk-in on the evening of the test will be entertained.
b. Those whose marks are less than 50% can re-take, and have the marks for the written quiz counted 100% (this is truly your second chance)
c. Those whose marks are 50% and above will have their marks averaged with the online quiz marks. This is the default option.
d. Those who want to take for the fun of it can also do so; their marks will be used to benchmark against the standard of the online quiz. In your email, you must say that you are going for Option d. (Providing a benchmark), otherwise Option c. above is the default option.
Best wishes and regards.

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