Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hiking cum photography trip to Pulau Ubin

SHAG sia. Don feel like waking up.
I think the next time i can sleep until enough will be the coming sat.
3 out of my 5 friends who say going replied me so far.
The 2 respected will fly me aeroplane.
1) Kelvin , busy with his final year project .
2) Huiming , tired and shag after wei lead them to take photo yesterday .
Hahaha. call her no ans. let me think of XY who let me hear fan sound .
OPS!! stop here
Gtg , 0645hrs

Let share the photo that i take .

730am @ tampinese . still can see the moon.
And someone were still sleeping with HIS phone holding in his hand.

See the solar panel.

wai loon and eeqiang.

Then we went to eat our lunch here. Popeyes!!
Then went to TCC to slag , i nearly fall asleep there . Too tired.

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