Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Hahaha. Funny sia . As we know nowaday a lot pirated CD/VCD/DVD .
I had 1 pirated friend who claim to be my friend and only to be name as "..".
I confindely i don have this "friend" , i guess i see this person once .
Below is the reasons why he is not my friend .

1) My friend wont say such a thing in my blog , they will rather meet me up and talk face to face. All my friend are adult (behave like 1 for jason ) , they will dare to say dare to admit. This person don even dare to put down his name .

2) This person "ACT" like he know my 3 friends. The info can get from my blog entry in dec.

3) Adding to point 2 . If this person know the above 3 friends , this person should know WaiLoon.
4) None of my friend will come to here to scold my friend . (CHILDISH)

5) My money or your money . I OWN U ar.
I drink coffee @ spin , your businese or my businese. Crazy KID.

6) Sim may not a good sch to you. Just as quoted below by some1 i 4ever remember said :
" You don like to eat chicken , does not mean the tasete of the chicken i not good. "
Moreover , if u are realli my friend , u will know why i choose SIM.

6) I never had spend more than ten bucks to cut my hair , when did i say spend $300 buck .

7) Thanks for this person time to read my 2 months blog entry. Cos you dig out a lot infomation form there. STOP acting a fool of urself here.

Advice to that person is better go and make a appointment with an eye specialist.
You say i only had 1 friend , but for the past 2 months , i had post at lease 4 friends's photo.
GROW UP la . CHILDISH . The more you tag in my chat box , is shown how "FOOL" u are.

To all my friends, pls ignore that "PIRATED" friend.
I not angy i want to LOL . HAHAHA. Cos this person realli making himself more like a fool .

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